I find your article to be the typical ravings of the same type of antismite as Hitler. Blinded to all decency and compassion seeing only hate for a people that pose no threat to O’Keefe or his twisted friends.
Visitor mail
Presented with the bare minimum of editing to preserve the essence of anti-revisionism. Rated “R” for strong language.
[no subject]
my friend, you are in a serious state of denial.
the muck you put out on th web
Now read this you scum bags
Re: Rekindle the ovens, man
[Webmaster] The sticking point involves this “gas chamber,” which you imply had been in use, while virtually every scholar who has studied the Holocaust now acknowledges that either 1) there was no gas chamber at Dachau, or 2) there was a gas chamber but it was not used.
Death Camps
You are sick.
the rubbsih you put out
I read with incredulity the rubbish that you have the affront to put out on the WWW.
(no subject)
I am disgusted at the way this organization is supporting Holocaust revisionism.
(no subject)
Listen, dumbshit, if you have your head too far up your fucking ass, you might want to pause for a second and think about what you’re writing.
(no subject)
I think Mark weber should seek help. He has brain flu.
(no subject)
We are watching and educating against your type